OBJ & IBB. |
It is not clear what the purpose of the meeting between IBB and Chief Obasanjo was, but "News Platform" learned from a close source that the duo were trying to close ranks ahead of 2027.
"News Platform" learned that former National Security Adviser, General Aliyu Gusau was part of that meeting held at the Hiltop mansion and in days, the reason for this particular would be unraveled.
The meeting, attended by former National Security Adviser General Aliyu Gusau, was initially marked by anticipation as the three leaders awaited Obasanjo’s arrival at Babangida’s residence. Although the specifics of their conversation remain undisclosed, it is widely speculated that the discussions centered on Nigeria’s current security challenges and the refusal of the Peoples Democratic Party to endorse a Peace Accord in advance of the Edo governorship election.
The meeting reportedly lasted approximately two hours. Following the discussion, Obasanjo departed Minna and returned to Abuja. He arrived at Bola Ahmed Tinubu Airport around 4:30 p.m. aboard a Gulfstream 5 aircraft and left the airport in the same plane at approximately 6:30 p.m.
Upon his arrival, Obasanjo was greeted by protocol officers from the Niger State Government House, who also arranged transportation to and from Babangida’s residence. The protocol team ensured a smooth departure for the former president around 7:00 p.m.
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