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PMAN Lagos Set To Commence Collection Of Performance Levies From Artistes, Others.

PMAN Governor, Ara.

The Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria, PMAN, Lagos State chapter has risen to inform the general public of her intention to commence the collection of what she called performance Levies from members of the association and users of works of her members.

This was made known to the public by the Governor of PMAN in Lagos, Chief (Ms.) Aralola Olamuyiwa, popularly known by her stage name, Ara who said that PMAN is set to exercise her powers in making sure that artistes in the state are given their pride of place in the scheme of things through making sure that the union body is empowered to carry out its statutory role effectively.

National President of PMAN, Pretty Okafor & Governor of PMAN Lagos, Ara.

Ara opined that the chapter of PMAN in Lagos would begin to collect levies and performance fees from musicians, dancers, comedians and all forms of entertainers as well as event organisers, hotels and club owners operating within the state.

According to the PMAN Governor in Lagos, the music union is not just an association, but a union, and called on all stakeholders in the industry within the Lagos metropolic and all those making use of music to ensure they make payments to the body, saying that PMAN has also been granted the authority to levy all hotels who employ the services of a Live Band; in-house or on contract, as well as events organized by event planners and promoters in Nigeria, howbeit, Lagos.

According to her, “you have the Nigerian Union of Teachers, NUT, if you are not a member and pay all membership dues, you cannot be said to be a qualified teacher, which is what is now obtainable with PMAN’s performance levy.

We are soon introducing also what we call job license and work permit for our members and users of our members works. So, we expect remittances of levies and performance fees from event organisers, hotel owners, where they have live band.

The PMAN Governor said a taskforce had been assigned the role to see to full compliance by those affected as we are empowered by law to do what we are doing and with time, some other innovations would be introduced by my office for the betterment of an average musician plying his or her trade in Lagos.

I want to assure musicians in Lagos that under my leadership as Governor of PMAN, their efforts would not only be recognized, but rewarded.


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